How to Have a Successful Q4

How to Have a Successful Q4

With only about 60 days left in 2019, now is the time to push hard and make it a successful Q4.

If you’re reading this, congratulations are in order. You’ve made it to Q4! Whether your year thus far has been a success or a rockier road than years past, making it this far in one piece is no small feat. But now that the year is coming to a close, it’s time to finish strong. It’s about that time where we look back at the goals we set at the beginning of the year and take inventory of which ones were met, exceeded, flat out ignored, or are still in reach. We’ve entered the fourth quarter, folks. This is for all the marbles. Here’s how you can keep your success going or turn your year around late in the game and have a productive and successful Q4.

Whether your year thus far has been a success or a rockier road than years past, making it this far in one piece is no small feat. But now that the year is coming to a close, it’s time to finish strong.

1. year in review

Every business begins a new year, phase, or quarter with specific goals in mind. Q4 is the time to look back on these goals that you set way back when and see how far you’ve come in achieving them and what’s left to accomplish. Have your priorities changed since the beginning of the year? Are there areas of improvement that are easier to see now than they were at the beginning of the year? Now is the time for some self-evaluation so you know where you and your business stand before heading into the new year with the same old goals. If there are goals from the beginning of the year that are still in reach, prepare to go pedal to the metal to get them checked off before the year is up. If you have any goals that are out of reach and still align with your vision even after you evaluate where you’re at, table them until next year when you’re able to reset your sights.

2. do what you do best

With the sun setting on 2019, the time for trying new things has passed. It’s time to focus on the areas of your business that have gotten you this far and go for what you know. It’s awesome to be versatile and wear multiple hats, but in Q4, efficiency is king. There’s always one activity that generates more business, revenue, profit, etc. than the others. Unclutter your workday to give yourself ample time to zero in on the area that gives you the best return. You may miss out on getting some other things done, but it won’t be an issue when you’re more productive than ever, focusing on what really makes your business tick.

It’s awesome to be versatile and wear multiple hats, but in Q4, efficiency is king.

3. business first

You hear that? That’s the sound of the holiday season coming around the corner. We all know that time tends to slip away from us during the holidays, and that’s OK! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with putting friends and family first, especially during the holidays. But there’s still work to be done. Now is the time to do it before you get too busy with other things. Set some new, short-term goals that are reasonable for the amount of time you have left in the year and get to work. In order to have a successful Q4, take this time before the holidays to keep your head down and really put your business first now so you won’t have to scramble later.

4. sharing is caring

Now that you’ve refocused and set some new goals for the short term, share your vision with your team. Sharing your goals helps keep everyone focused and better able to prioritize. It’ll also help keep you accountable if you ever start to waver. You can share your larger goals and help your team create smaller “sub-goals” for themselves that directly support the larger objective. If you’re a one-person operation, share your goals with a friend, a business associate, or a family member. It may sound cliché, but accountability goes a long way when it comes to realizing goals.

5. celebrate success

When you’re done knocking out all the goals you’ve set for you and your team to have a successful Q4, be sure to take the time to celebrate what you’ve done. Q4 can be a beast if you don’t manage it correctly, and doing so should result in a well-deserved pat on the back. You’ve worked hard to get to this point, maybe an end-of-the-year party is in order.

6. happy new year!

Now that that’s out of the way, it’s time to get back to it. The mortgage business never sleeps. And even though we love to celebrate a job well done, we’ve still got to be there for our clients. Now it’s time to figure out what worked and what didn’t over the past year and refocus with new goals, new strategies, and a new mindset for next year. If you’ve followed all these steps, you should know where there’s room for growth and improvement in the coming year. Take some inventory of your current situation. Find out the best ways to position you and your business for success in the new year.

Do you have any expert advice on how to end Q4 with a bang? Share the wealth! Tell us on social media!


About the Author

Khari is one of our blog authors. He hails from the state of Georgia, and can tell you everything you need to know about rap music, the NBA, and Game of Thrones. As the youngest writer on staff, Khari enjoys learning about the ins and outs of homeownership and looks to provide a fresh, Millennial's perspective on happenings within the industry.

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